Launch of the Windows and Mac Versions of The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2

World Community Grid is pleased to announce the launch of the Windows and Mac versions of The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2 (CEP2).

This project is provided by the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA and hopes to find promising new materials for organic solar cells.

The CEP2 Linux version was launched on June 28, 2010 and we are now pleased to announce the release of the Windows and Mac versions of CEP2 for our members.

CEP2 is performing electronic structure calculations: To obtain more accurate optical, electronic and other physical properties of the candidate solar materials, quantum mechanics calculations are being performed for each of the candidates. These calculations will be performed with the Q-Chem quantum chemistry software, developed by Q-Chem, Inc. This work will result in a useful database of information about the properties of a large number of compounds. This project will also provide direct input to experimental groups to aid in their design of improved solar cells.

For additional information on this project, please press the Research button in the upper navigation bar or click here.

For additional information on action required to participate in this project and the original News & Update Announcement of CEP2, please click here.

We thank all of our members for their contributions to The Clean Energy Project – Phase 2 project.