Team statistics history

Team statistics history -
Statistics last updated: 5/6/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [21 hour(s) ago]
Page of 115 | Records 1 to 60 - 6858 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
05/06/2024 1:215:18:56:09 19,268,323 8,163
05/05/2024 1:179:08:51:40 19,722,626 8,188
05/04/2024 1:113:08:03:20 18,908,542 7,550
05/03/2024 1:107:22:51:21 19,103,370 7,392
05/02/2024 1:097:11:34:38 18,989,819 7,199
05/01/2024 1:059:19:07:02 15,748,760 6,441
04/30/2024 1:059:04:23:49 18,443,987 6,952
04/29/2024 1:080:06:26:01 18,763,565 7,251
04/28/2024 1:112:18:13:34 18,900,331 7,585
04/27/2024 1:068:01:14:34 19,600,398 7,253
04/26/2024 1:117:07:58:10 19,842,136 7,736
04/25/2024 1:090:19:17:13 19,723,712 7,437
04/24/2024 1:116:11:20:38 19,370,709 7,501
04/23/2024 1:075:03:10:48 19,516,337 7,292
04/22/2024 1:138:08:25:42 20,008,494 7,777
04/21/2024 1:111:10:51:16 19,884,533 7,490
04/20/2024 1:135:23:27:54 18,494,235 7,174
04/19/2024 1:104:01:23:28 19,542,753 7,110
04/18/2024 1:151:17:33:36 18,841,717 7,204
04/17/2024 1:125:13:28:48 19,406,819 7,348
04/16/2024 1:109:19:34:37 19,644,908 7,149
04/15/2024 1:146:14:17:45 18,978,494 7,599
04/14/2024 1:096:17:49:01 16,164,623 6,778
04/13/2024 1:011:18:37:19 16,446,083 5,868
04/12/2024 1:023:10:43:03 17,306,669 6,329
04/11/2024 1:010:16:04:42 16,289,121 5,969
04/10/2024 1:001:20:51:18 15,971,988 5,699
04/09/2024 1:050:04:20:19 14,579,948 5,726
04/08/2024 1:050:04:33:31 15,138,977 5,657
04/07/2024 3:008:06:48:18 8,956,082 4,444
04/06/2024 4:100:15:42:33 16,390,097 5,284
04/05/2024 1:068:15:33:31 16,689,605 5,128
04/04/2024 4:320:18:40:21 15,091,117 5,657
04/03/2024 2:016:15:28:44 16,198,774 5,319
04/02/2024 0:326:13:17:08 17,199,225 5,348
04/01/2024 0:189:12:28:54 13,921,939 3,775
03/31/2024 0:111:14:33:56 7,749,639 2,051
03/30/2024 0:170:02:43:53 1,387,557 1,372
03/29/2024 0:293:07:46:16 3,718,499 2,936
03/28/2024 0:313:16:29:21 1,996,891 2,824
03/27/2024 0:240:06:35:47 1,546,884 2,093
03/26/2024 0:176:22:58:36 814,210 1,291
03/25/2024 0:184:08:01:09 744,184 1,425
03/24/2024 0:153:03:44:12 672,161 1,285
03/23/2024 0:130:06:47:51 499,172 941
03/22/2024 0:105:16:40:09 439,139 833
03/21/2024 0:091:11:11:44 437,500 839
03/20/2024 0:102:14:26:58 493,203 935
03/19/2024 0:108:04:34:06 355,362 693
03/18/2024 0:125:18:28:54 416,959 820
03/17/2024 0:138:04:08:36 378,633 749
03/16/2024 3:261:18:56:06 627,094 1,239
03/15/2024 3:084:12:01:35 835,681 1,623
03/14/2024 9:125:23:51:54 1,524,954 2,878
03/13/2024 6:354:18:38:24 1,533,733 2,924
03/12/2024 0:358:21:42:34 1,144,697 2,236
03/11/2024 2:083:04:01:17 1,019,147 1,951
03/10/2024 1:200:10:39:21 800,499 1,518
03/09/2024 10:042:17:04:11 725,243 1,306
03/08/2024 2:114:08:45:17 758,726 1,254

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