Team statistics history

Team statistics history - France
Statistics last updated: 4/28/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [13 hour(s) ago]
Page of 229 | Records 1 to 30 - 6850 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
04/28/2024 1:022:12:32:54 3,296,496 5,025
04/27/2024 0:351:13:19:50 3,294,111 4,691
04/26/2024 1:012:20:25:54 3,318,193 5,037
04/25/2024 1:012:02:08:31 3,101,203 4,985
04/24/2024 0:346:03:53:33 3,036,770 4,650
04/23/2024 0:362:08:06:07 3,091,766 4,873
04/22/2024 1:004:10:39:26 3,160,279 5,041
04/21/2024 1:012:06:48:11 3,481,134 5,137
04/20/2024 1:007:22:41:23 3,395,182 5,052
04/19/2024 1:003:08:28:01 3,255,299 4,853
04/18/2024 1:031:23:41:58 2,857,031 5,055
04/17/2024 1:007:18:46:24 3,021,116 4,944
04/16/2024 1:009:19:02:02 3,483,951 5,079
04/15/2024 1:013:12:48:51 3,800,282 5,184
04/14/2024 0:338:03:17:58 3,078,865 4,557
04/13/2024 0:303:16:31:59 2,700,283 4,084
04/12/2024 0:281:17:09:12 2,381,100 3,878
04/11/2024 0:303:10:44:21 3,369,796 4,357
04/10/2024 0:279:11:46:46 2,778,869 3,993
04/09/2024 0:294:17:07:50 2,822,545 4,108
04/08/2024 0:295:16:50:01 3,455,277 4,150
04/07/2024 0:282:13:10:50 2,804,431 3,855
04/06/2024 0:259:19:42:41 2,572,216 3,545
04/05/2024 0:273:00:25:40 3,083,644 3,955
04/04/2024 0:261:22:18:19 3,183,823 3,829
04/03/2024 0:280:10:11:32 2,679,902 3,914
04/02/2024 0:248:05:34:16 2,791,973 3,512
04/01/2024 0:180:06:21:12 2,843,386 2,671
03/31/2024 0:083:11:36:24 2,262,010 1,272
03/30/2024 0:125:02:27:35 969,936 1,582

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