Team statistics history

Team statistics history -
Statistics last updated: 4/29/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [20 hour(s) ago]
Page of 100 | Records 1 to 60 - 5956 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
01/23/2024 0:000:03:22:43 1,043 2
01/22/2024 0:000:03:12:20 1,025 2
01/21/2024 0:000:08:13:10 2,590 5
01/20/2024 0:000:13:15:43 4,231 8
01/19/2024 0:000:08:14:28 2,514 5
01/18/2024 0:000:16:35:11 5,046 10
01/17/2024 0:000:03:17:37 1,201 2
01/15/2024 0:000:03:25:51 1,071 2
01/14/2024 0:001:05:37:39 9,381 18
01/13/2024 0:001:14:28:53 11,939 23
01/12/2024 0:001:15:28:18 12,423 24
01/11/2024 0:002:09:33:41 18,367 35
01/10/2024 0:004:23:47:15 37,025 72
01/09/2024 0:010:04:36:44 77,779 147
01/08/2024 0:006:18:13:42 50,951 99
01/07/2024 0:007:09:35:40 56,031 108
01/06/2024 0:008:06:45:33 62,307 122
01/05/2024 0:004:04:07:27 31,394 60
12/25/2023 0:000:03:47:19 538 1
11/25/2023 0:000:01:17:55 504 1
11/24/2023 0:000:18:18:05 5,957 11
11/23/2023 0:001:12:43:57 11,809 23
11/22/2023 0:002:00:20:28 15,327 30
11/21/2023 0:002:17:31:52 20,923 40
11/20/2023 0:004:00:54:56 30,945 60
11/19/2023 0:009:14:46:29 99,375 149
11/18/2023 0:010:08:10:52 85,978 153
11/17/2023 0:011:21:43:13 262,424 209
11/16/2023 0:009:10:29:19 257,129 162
11/15/2023 0:010:00:42:16 263,773 175
11/14/2023 0:011:12:47:19 86,252 166
11/13/2023 0:012:01:03:25 97,635 180
11/12/2023 0:009:09:05:34 173,955 153
11/11/2023 0:006:20:34:14 70,227 103
11/10/2023 0:006:20:11:49 51,030 101
11/09/2023 0:007:18:06:54 58,570 114
11/08/2023 0:011:20:42:21 88,528 175
11/07/2023 0:011:14:06:46 98,556 171
11/06/2023 0:012:21:43:38 95,550 187
11/05/2023 0:009:07:24:46 68,794 136
11/04/2023 0:010:09:58:42 83,294 151
11/03/2023 0:009:05:41:22 164,010 149
11/02/2023 0:010:23:42:30 272,626 195
11/01/2023 0:011:17:22:18 114,470 175
10/31/2023 0:011:20:18:23 202,613 188
10/30/2023 0:012:11:28:01 91,647 180
10/29/2023 0:014:03:00:01 117,818 209
10/28/2023 0:008:11:30:38 63,771 123
10/27/2023 0:009:12:20:51 70,129 136
10/26/2023 0:010:16:17:36 222,742 177
10/25/2023 0:010:08:42:57 84,757 154
10/24/2023 0:010:02:35:28 75,558 146
10/23/2023 0:004:18:06:38 80,743 82
10/22/2023 0:014:04:00:26 174,353 223
10/21/2023 0:002:07:02:31 123,005 59
10/20/2023 0:001:11:24:33 9,656 20
10/19/2023 0:002:03:03:09 30,097 23
10/18/2023 0:004:11:46:35 161,377 97
10/17/2023 0:003:14:50:04 27,159 59
10/16/2023 0:001:22:15:17 18,096 53

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