Team statistics history

Team statistics history -
Statistics last updated: 4/28/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [2 hour(s) ago]
Page of 163 | Records 1 to 30 - 4867 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
04/28/2024 0:035:01:46:49 408,425 653
04/27/2024 0:030:07:54:18 469,025 611
04/26/2024 0:039:21:22:44 696,507 844
04/25/2024 0:057:16:01:30 792,054 1,155
04/24/2024 0:042:23:30:46 790,833 931
04/23/2024 0:039:15:15:11 498,509 808
04/22/2024 0:041:10:37:19 566,386 843
04/21/2024 0:042:03:11:54 744,255 849
04/20/2024 0:035:22:47:02 481,642 708
04/19/2024 0:032:00:30:59 710,015 673
04/18/2024 0:028:23:50:25 508,526 480
04/17/2024 0:015:22:26:30 147,037 248
04/16/2024 0:015:00:42:37 134,810 231
04/15/2024 0:027:23:29:35 428,549 500
04/14/2024 0:023:13:14:23 514,012 499
04/13/2024 0:011:05:22:58 92,078 175
04/12/2024 0:017:11:44:13 157,747 284
04/11/2024 0:014:11:45:45 157,672 229
04/10/2024 0:018:07:07:48 220,914 306
04/09/2024 0:027:03:44:25 447,062 441
04/08/2024 0:018:06:22:47 146,081 275
04/07/2024 0:018:07:52:27 197,593 294
04/06/2024 0:014:18:08:31 390,161 306
04/05/2024 0:017:14:36:48 418,978 360
04/04/2024 0:010:00:49:03 219,892 214
04/03/2024 0:016:06:47:00 240,775 346
04/02/2024 0:014:09:30:07 217,858 357
04/01/2024 0:007:18:31:13 296,112 239
03/31/2024 0:008:07:01:24 574,424 194
03/30/2024 0:011:01:42:04 163,617 164

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