Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Planet 3DNow!
Statistics last updated: 5/5/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [18 hour(s) ago]
Page of 107 | Records 1 to 60 - 6362 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
05/05/2024 1:014:23:17:51 6,757,629 4,757
05/04/2024 0:314:07:40:54 7,016,142 4,271
05/03/2024 1:000:16:54:52 8,362,054 5,023
05/02/2024 1:057:11:35:51 6,703,541 5,349
05/01/2024 1:061:12:34:05 7,727,800 5,570
04/30/2024 1:026:15:01:24 6,588,090 5,143
04/29/2024 1:102:18:25:48 6,911,344 5,863
04/28/2024 1:149:11:42:33 8,171,957 6,725
04/27/2024 1:089:09:48:06 7,889,722 6,097
04/26/2024 1:182:17:44:22 8,158,840 7,394
04/25/2024 1:187:15:58:18 8,736,733 7,446
04/24/2024 1:130:15:15:08 8,219,953 6,679
04/23/2024 1:280:12:04:30 8,922,520 8,603
04/22/2024 1:307:17:01:49 8,427,624 8,456
04/21/2024 1:225:02:05:00 7,965,609 7,508
04/20/2024 1:124:07:01:02 6,788,682 6,224
04/19/2024 1:045:05:31:27 7,568,437 5,357
04/18/2024 1:145:00:24:58 6,863,186 6,193
04/17/2024 1:166:04:13:40 5,490,734 6,117
04/16/2024 1:141:16:07:37 5,497,262 5,833
04/15/2024 1:145:18:28:26 5,602,124 5,990
04/14/2024 1:104:01:13:50 4,523,902 5,472
04/13/2024 1:233:16:41:12 6,676,886 7,334
04/12/2024 2:188:01:59:57 9,620,583 11,446
04/11/2024 2:072:14:57:54 8,764,906 9,952
04/10/2024 1:341:14:01:26 9,616,995 8,931
04/09/2024 1:264:13:57:26 8,388,190 7,941
04/08/2024 1:203:10:11:27 8,356,618 7,142
04/07/2024 1:113:18:00:38 6,723,692 5,802
04/06/2024 1:026:09:42:05 6,008,594 4,795
04/05/2024 1:001:22:15:01 6,535,892 4,675
04/04/2024 1:000:14:58:37 8,180,415 5,051
04/03/2024 0:353:20:12:31 7,929,218 4,862
04/02/2024 0:291:00:37:27 7,514,740 4,275
04/01/2024 0:219:08:54:13 11,593,996 4,150
03/31/2024 0:226:23:15:03 13,637,868 4,648
03/30/2024 0:323:15:38:31 7,221,762 4,527
03/29/2024 1:051:12:05:17 12,086,731 6,338
03/28/2024 0:359:21:57:45 8,747,835 5,118
03/27/2024 0:298:07:41:16 3,763,978 3,779
03/26/2024 0:318:00:35:49 3,163,199 3,837
03/25/2024 1:034:10:53:11 2,451,738 4,666
03/24/2024 0:317:01:10:53 1,895,680 3,603
03/23/2024 0:244:10:31:18 1,402,892 2,654
03/22/2024 0:213:15:45:24 1,228,080 2,349
03/21/2024 0:195:18:13:20 1,155,510 2,202
03/20/2024 0:197:23:35:29 1,184,627 2,265
03/19/2024 0:202:17:50:18 1,261,319 2,425
03/18/2024 0:217:10:09:46 1,327,321 2,519
03/17/2024 0:257:19:32:34 1,579,370 3,008
03/16/2024 0:315:22:17:37 1,979,539 3,791
03/15/2024 0:363:05:36:30 2,158,674 4,097
03/14/2024 1:036:18:52:44 2,522,082 4,768
03/13/2024 1:034:02:49:53 2,426,574 4,656
03/12/2024 1:017:05:45:11 2,379,485 4,622
03/11/2024 0:315:11:16:33 2,128,683 3,998
03/10/2024 0:240:15:27:26 1,997,445 3,062
03/09/2024 0:174:14:01:07 1,859,106 2,192
03/08/2024 0:289:13:18:07 3,139,274 3,428
03/07/2024 1:224:23:31:08 10,982,798 8,012

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